Vitamin supplements

First Author: BrandonR

Second Author: Colby Helffrich





Face of Vitamins



Multivitamin Supplements


  • An increasing number of the world's population is now eager and interested in looking after their health and in keeping in tune with their well-being. It is important to note that this awareness is increasingly contributing to the creation of several health supplements to benefit both adults and children.


  • An excellent daily multivitamin supplement does not only develop your general bodily functions but also improves your mental and physical condition and well being. Multivitamin supplements include all the vitamins and nutrients essential for recommended daily dosage. They are also formulated to meet the needs of individual conditions like pregnancy and specific age brackets. It is a well settled fact that multivitamins in liquid form are more efficient than the ordinary pill forms. This is due to the fact that the body can easily absorb liquid nutrients five times more than ordinary multivitamins in capsule form.


  • Basically the body needs 13 essential vitamins to function properly and it regulates crucial performance of the body. They are A, B, C, D, E, K, B12, and the 7 B-complex vitamins. Majority of these vitamins are obtained by our body through the food that we eat. This is the main reason that is very important to eat a balance diet.


  • Taking multivitamin supplements everyday reduces the risk of transmitting malnutrition from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby. Other conditions such as old age, alcoholism, smoking, and exposure to excessive pollution have long-term harmful effects to the body system which can be successfully counteracted by multivitamins.


  • Stress is also one risk factor which multivitamins can provide supplementation for. Especially with people who have so much to do and have a hard time keeping up with their daily health needs; multivitamins are a must to keep them always on the go without any health complications in the long run. Stress formulations benefit both your mental ability and daily patience.


  • While daily intake of multivitamin supplements may have proven benefits, it is not a 100% guarantee that you will be free of serious illness attributed to other factors. It is often a misconception that symptoms of disease may always be cured by taking multivitamins. Health experts have the better opinion of immediate medical assistance rather than resorting to multivitamins alone.


  • Health experts do agree an excellent daily multivitamin supplement does not only develop your general bodily functions but also improves your mental and physical condition and well being..[1]




Vitamin Chart


Nutrient Essential For Found In
Vitamin A Vision, growth, reproduction, and maintenance of healthy skin Liver, fish oils, eggs, dairy products. Red, yellow, orange, and dark green vegetables and fruits contain alpha- and beta-carotenes, which are converted in the body to Vitamin A
Vitamin D Proper formation and maintenance of bones and teeth D-fortified milk and cereals, cod liver oil and naturally in the skin when exposed to sunlight
Vitamin E Antioxidant action, defends cells against damage by free radicals Vegetable oils, margarine, wheat germ, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables
Vitamin K Blood clotting Eggs, cereal, green leafy vegetables
Vitamin C Healthy bones and teeth, wound healing Fruits (especially citrus) and vegetables (especially those in the cabbage family)
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) Carbohydrate metabolism (energy production) Whole or enriched grain products, fortified cereals, pork, organ meats
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Metabolism of protein, fat, and carbohydrates into energy Milk and other dairy foods, organ meats, enriched and fortified grains
Niacin (Vitamin B3) Carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism Poultry, fish, beef, peanut butter, legumes, enriched or fortified grain products
Vitamin B6 Manufacture of amino acids and red blood cells Fortified cereals, sweet potatoes, chicken and beef liver
Vitamin B12 Energy and amino acid production Beef, milk, cheese, shellfish
Calcium Building and maintaining bones, muscle and nerve function Dairy products, leafy green vegetables, calcium-fortified foods (e.g., orange juice, cereals)
Iron Carries oxygen in red blood cells to body cells Meats, eggs, dark leafy vegetables
Phosphorus Supporting tissue growth and repair, major bone component Milk, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts
Magnesium Energy production and nerve function Legumes, nuts, whole grains, green vegetables
Potassium Nerve function and muscle contraction Fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk
Folate DNA synthesis involved in making protein Fortified cereals, enriched grains, leafy greens, legumes, asparagus
Zinc Cell reproduction and tissue growth and repair Meat, eggs, seafood, whole grains




Major Functions of Vitamins-


  • Help Chemical reactions take place.


  • Critical in the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of the nervous, skeletal, and immune systems.


  • Act as antioxidants, which help preserve healthy cells in the body.[3]


Main Sources of Vitamins-


  • Vitamins are abundant in fruits, vegetables, and grains.


  • Many processed foods, such as flour and breakfast cereals, contain added vitamins.


  • Skin makes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight, and intestinal bacteria make vitamin K.[4]



Now to illustrate how important vitamins are, lets look at Vitamin C...


Vitamin C - also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. Therefore, we must obtain vitamin C through our diet.[5] 


  •  Humans cannot synthesize it so it is an ESSENTIAL VITAMIN - which means humans must acquire it through food or supplements. 


  • Vitamin C has a very specific fatal disease associated  with a deficiency of its intake (scurvy) - which conversely can be cured simply by intake of the Vitamin


  • It effects the collagen elasticity and it plays a role in blood vessel health 


  • It is effected by levels of carboxyhemoglobin and conversely effects levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood - and this is important because carboxyhemoglobin forms when carbon monoxide intake happens - (smoking increases CO thus carboxyhemoglobin) 


  • Carboxyhemoglobin effects lipid characteristics. [6]  Cholestorol is a lipid for example.  Carboxyhemoglobin causes lipids to be more sticky and thus more prone to clump and go into blood vessle walls.  Which increases the risk of coronary disease.  If Vit C can clear out some of the carboxyhemoglobin then we are less prone (incrementally better at least) to the devastating effects of carboxyhemoglobin. 


Vitamin C's Dramatic Positive Health Benifits

YouTube plugin error  

(This video gives a medical doctor's beliefs about the numerous health benefits of Vitamin C) 




Vitamin C and Smokers (Example of Environmental Depletion)


This analysis of a large, population based, cross-sectional survey demonstrates that the association of smoking with decreased serum ascorbic acid (AA) levels is independent of the reduced AA intake found in smokers. Smokers have a threefold higher incidence of low serum AA levels (< or = 11 mumol/L) which could place them at increased risk for the clinical manifestations of AA deficiency. Smokers not taking vitamin supplements who consumed less than 15 servings weekly of fruits and vegetables were especially prone to have serum AA levels less than 11 mumol/L. An AA intake of > or = 200 mg was necessary to provide smokers with equivalent protection from hypovitaminosis AA as had nonsmokers whose AA intake exceeded the recommended dietary allowance (RDA [60 mg]). This level of dietary AA intake is considerably higher than the newly increased RDA for smokers of 100 mg. Although the simplest and most direct method to increase the low serum vitamin C levels found in many smokers would be to stop smoking, markedly increasing dietary AA consumption is appropriate when this is unsuccessful. However, if dietary modification fails to sufficiently increase AA intake, then vitamin supplementation may be necessary to significantly reduce the high prevalence of hypovitaminosis AA present in smokers.[7]





Common Diseases Associated With Vitamin Deficiency


Vitamin Name

Chemical Name

 Associated Disease

Vitamin A Retinol Night-blindness and Keratomalacia
Vitamin B1 Thiamin Beriberi
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Ariboflavinosis
Vitamin B3 Niacin Pellagra
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid Paresthesia
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Anaemia
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin Megaloblastic anemia
Biotin Biotin Dermatitis, Enteritis
Folic Acid Folic Acid Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defects
Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Scurvy
Vitamin D Calciderol Rickets and Osteomalacia
Vitamin E Tocopherol Deficiency is very rare; mild hemolytic anemia in newborn infants
Vitamin K Phylloquinone Bleeding diathesis





  3. Fahey, T. D., Insel P. M. & Roth, W. T. (2009), Fit & Well: Core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness. McGraw-Hill, New York: New York. (pg.232)
  4. Fahey, T. D., Insel P. M. & Roth, W. T. (2009), Fit & Well: Core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness. McGraw-Hill, New York: New York. (pg.232)