Little time to eat and stay fit solutions

First author: Leonard

Second Author: Katie Salling



Who Knew???  Healthy Options that Require Hardly any of Your Time!!


This article is very beneficial to everyone, especially myself.  With little time and less money, fast food is a great option for people like me.  But after reading these tips, I am better prepared for my future meals on the go armed with this new knowledge.  Your body will thank you too!!



There are many ways to keep the body and mind fit. Eating nutritious foods is one of the most important. Not having time to eat well is an issue for alot of people, so I am going to give you some tips on how to help.




Eating On The Go - Avoid the Fast Food Trap!



*HINT*- Tuna or chicken salad is a very simple way to make a quick and healthy lunch![1]




 Don't Give in to Fast Food yet!! Here's Some tips for a Convenience Store!!


*HINT*- Grabbing a protein bar from a convience store is just as fast and easy as getting some fast food...except its healthier!!







Feel like Your Only Option is Fast Food?? Use These tips to eat "Smart" at Fast Food Restaurants:




Don't forget to check out the won't regret it!

This short video gives a couple great (and easy) tips to eating healthier when you have a busy schedule!


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