Instilling healthy habits in children

First Author: Hillary 

Second Author: Kelly T.

How to Instill Healthy Habits in Your Children


"By the time a child is between two and four years old, her eating habits are largely shaped. If she reaches the age of five without learning about healthy eating, the chances of her developing poor nutritional habits and attitudes are significantly increased."[1] 


To begin, remember, when teaching children healthy habits it is important to lead by example.


 Lets look at some all-around healthy habits to teach to young children.



 Hand Washing: simple and easy way to avoid infection, colds and flu bugs


     Encourage your children to wash their hands: 




Staying Physically Active:

Engaging young children in fun physical activity is the key to keeping them repeatedly active.


The American Heart Association recommends "all children age 2 and older should participate in at least 30 minutes of enjoyable, moderate-intensity physical activities every day that are developmentally appropriate and varied".[3] 





Healthy Eating Habits: 

It is important to encourage healthy eating habits by involving the whole family and not singling out the child. Your child will not be likely to stick with healthy food choices if you do not follow them consistently. 



Read food Labels!!


Look for Foods with: 



Avoid Foods with:


Watch this video on how to get more information on a healthy diet for your child:


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 Still Curious? View this video for more quick tips in a instilling a healthy lifestyle in your child:

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  6. Fahey, T. D., Insel P. M. & Roth, W. T. (2009), Fit & Well: Core concepts and labs in physical fitness and wellness. McGraw-Hill, New York: New York. (pg.251)